
Turas chuig Trend Micro.

Turas chuig Trend Micro.


Thug daltaí ón Idirbhliain turas ar Trend Micro le déanaí. D’fhreastal said ar chúrsa traenála “Be Smart” a mhúineann dóibh conas úsáid sabháilte, freagrach agus tairbheach a bhaint as teicneolaíocht.

Is féidir leis na daltaí an cúrsa “Be Smart” a sholáthair chuig daltaí eile ina scoil fhéin agus i mbunscoileanna tar éis an traenáil seo a fháil.

Clúdaíonn “ Be Smart” clú ar line, sabháilteacht ar line agus cibearbhulaíocht. Cuitear béim ana-mhór ar fhreagracht pearsanta ar line. Bhí na daltaí ó Choláiste Daibhéid, in éineacht le Iníon Nic Roibéard, páirteach chomh maith i lainséal comórtas fiseáin agus póstaeir “Whats Your Story”  mar chuid de cheiliúradh ar Lá Níos Sabháilte ar Líne

Transistion Year students visited  Trend Micro Academy  in Bishopstown, Cork recently.They attended a training course “ Be Smart ”which  educated them in the safe, responsible and successful use of technology. Once trained, the students can then deliver The Be-Smart  internet safety programme delivered  students to  other students in their school and in a selected primary school using this  peer led approach.

Be-Smart covers the following topics:

 Your online reputation

Your online safety


A strong emphasis is placed throughout on the importance of personal responsibility online.The Coláiste Daibhéid students participated also in the promotion  of Trend Micros 2015 “What’s Your Story?” video and poster competition during the celebration of Safer Internet Day.

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