
Tráth na gCeist Staire

Tráth na gCeist Staire

Ghlac daltaí ón tríú bliain páirt i dTráth na gCeist Staire an CHTA (Cumann Múinteoirí Chorcaí).  Bhí 47 foireann san iomaíocht, cuid acu a thaistil chomh fada i gcéin ó Thrá Lí, Co. Chiarraí. Bhí na ceisteanna bunaithe ar chúrsa staire bhliain a haon, dó agus a trí. Ba iontach an dul siar é don Teastas Sóisearach agus bhain siad an-taitneamh as an eispéaras. Triail ceann tú féin, bunaithe ar chúrsa staire bhliain a haon. Ceist: Cá háit san Iodáil a fuarthas an marmar chun dealbh Michelangelo Dáibhí a dhéanamh? (freagra ag deireadh an ailt seo). D’éirigh go han-mhaith leis an dá fhoireann, maith sibh do bhur rannpháirtíocht! Freagra na ceiste: Carrara. Na fóirne ab ea: Rang Doire – Seán Táth, Seán Ó Néill, Fionn & Thomas. Rang Laoise – Kristina, Rowan, Sadhb & Cian.


History Table Quiz

Students from Third Year participated in the annual Cork History Teachers’ Association Table Quiz this past week. 47 teams competed from schools all over the region, both English-Medium Language schools and Gaelcholáistí. Some travelled from as far away as Tralee, Co. Kerry. The questions were based on the first, second and third year History course. It provided great revision for the students before the state exams and they thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Try a question from the night yourself! Question: Whereabouts in Italy was the marble mined for Michelangelo’s Statue of David? (Answer at the end of this article). Both teams did extremely well and well done on your participation! Answer to the question: Carrara. The teams were: Rang Doire – Seán Táth, Seán Ó Néill, Fionn & Thomas. Rang Laoise – Kristina, Rowan, Sadhb & Cian.



Tráth na gCeist 1



Tráth na gCeist 2


Tráth na gCeist 3